1989 July 4, Kiev, CE3 444
“The most remarkable case, an abduction attempt,
took place on July 4, 1989, in a park near Kiev, on
the shores of the Dnieper River.
It was twilight, but there was enough light to see clearly. Two women, Vera Prokoflyevna, a retired employee of a factory in Darnitsa, and her friend Al- exandra Stepanovna, an engineer, together with Alexandra’s six-year-old daughter, were strolling in the park. The following is the story told by Prokoflyevna.
The party came closer to the river and suddenly saw a “boat” and three beings on board. The beings looked very pale and had absolutely identical faces, like identical twins. They had long blond hair, big eyes, and were wearing collarless silver shirts that looked like nightgowns. The beings bluntly told the women that they came from another planet: “Our planet is so far that your mind cannot fathom that. When you become like us, you will know. Every day we take one person from Earth to our world. We will take you. Our ship is nearby; we will show it to you.” They spoke Russian with a strange accent that Pro- kofiyevna called “ancient,” rather than foreign.
The transcript does not say how the beings left the boat and started walking along with the women. “One walked in front of us, and two with us,” Prokofiyevna reported, “one on each side, as if they were guarding us. I wanted to shout and run, but I was drawn to them as if by a magnet and I had no strength. When they looked at me, I felt like needles were all over my body. Alexandra Stepanovna became very pale; I believe I looked no better. We started begging them not to take us, because we had families and children.
“Behind some trees, we saw a craft. It was silvery, like their clothing, and looked like a huge barrel with a circular antenna on the top of it.”
The little girl became very scared and started crying. The two women also reacted with deep anguish. “Well, we won’t take you,” they were told. “We will find others.” They went inside the “barrel” by using a ladder with three steps. The ladder moved by itself inside, the door closed by itself, like an elevator, and the craft took off without any noise, without causing any wind, and without disturbing the sand beneath it. Soon it turned into a small star.
The incident was investigated by Alexander F. Pugach, who holds a Ph.D. in physics and mathematics and is a research fellow of the Department of Physics of Stars and Galaxies of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences Observatory. Dr. Pugach was familiar with Western research of UFOs and with descriptions of contactee experiences. He believed the sighting to be genuine, judging from several small details: the device took off without disturbing the sand; the boat was without sails, oars, or engine; the beings did not show any emotions. He argued that no physical apparatus landed in the park and later took off. He thought, however, that this was a real phenomenon and that the women were not lying, but that the na- ture of the phenomenon was more complex. In his opinion, one could not exclude that some force, some beings, might have projected the scene into the minds / of the women. In other words, his position is close to the views of those, like myself, who believe that UFOs are from a different dimension or another reality although in my opinion, this does not exclude a material, physical presence at the time of the sighting.
“This particular abduction mechanism we categorize as Dialego, the dialogue, because it usually begins with a verbal exchange,” Azhazha told us.
“But this last case is almost like a fairy tale,” I pointed out. “We cannot study this subject as a purely technical problem.”
“I agree with you,” answered Azhazha. “Ufology is a complex domain that demands knowledge of biotechnology, of space physics, and of psychology and sociology. We need a multidisciplinary approach. Historians and folklore experts should get involved. We need psychics and we need physicists. We even need philosophers.””
It was twilight, but there was enough light to see clearly. Two women, Vera Prokoflyevna, a retired employee of a factory in Darnitsa, and her friend Al- exandra Stepanovna, an engineer, together with Alexandra’s six-year-old daughter, were strolling in the park. The following is the story told by Prokoflyevna.
The party came closer to the river and suddenly saw a “boat” and three beings on board. The beings looked very pale and had absolutely identical faces, like identical twins. They had long blond hair, big eyes, and were wearing collarless silver shirts that looked like nightgowns. The beings bluntly told the women that they came from another planet: “Our planet is so far that your mind cannot fathom that. When you become like us, you will know. Every day we take one person from Earth to our world. We will take you. Our ship is nearby; we will show it to you.” They spoke Russian with a strange accent that Pro- kofiyevna called “ancient,” rather than foreign.
The transcript does not say how the beings left the boat and started walking along with the women. “One walked in front of us, and two with us,” Prokofiyevna reported, “one on each side, as if they were guarding us. I wanted to shout and run, but I was drawn to them as if by a magnet and I had no strength. When they looked at me, I felt like needles were all over my body. Alexandra Stepanovna became very pale; I believe I looked no better. We started begging them not to take us, because we had families and children.
“Behind some trees, we saw a craft. It was silvery, like their clothing, and looked like a huge barrel with a circular antenna on the top of it.”
The little girl became very scared and started crying. The two women also reacted with deep anguish. “Well, we won’t take you,” they were told. “We will find others.” They went inside the “barrel” by using a ladder with three steps. The ladder moved by itself inside, the door closed by itself, like an elevator, and the craft took off without any noise, without causing any wind, and without disturbing the sand beneath it. Soon it turned into a small star.
The incident was investigated by Alexander F. Pugach, who holds a Ph.D. in physics and mathematics and is a research fellow of the Department of Physics of Stars and Galaxies of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences Observatory. Dr. Pugach was familiar with Western research of UFOs and with descriptions of contactee experiences. He believed the sighting to be genuine, judging from several small details: the device took off without disturbing the sand; the boat was without sails, oars, or engine; the beings did not show any emotions. He argued that no physical apparatus landed in the park and later took off. He thought, however, that this was a real phenomenon and that the women were not lying, but that the na- ture of the phenomenon was more complex. In his opinion, one could not exclude that some force, some beings, might have projected the scene into the minds / of the women. In other words, his position is close to the views of those, like myself, who believe that UFOs are from a different dimension or another reality although in my opinion, this does not exclude a material, physical presence at the time of the sighting.
“This particular abduction mechanism we categorize as Dialego, the dialogue, because it usually begins with a verbal exchange,” Azhazha told us.
“But this last case is almost like a fairy tale,” I pointed out. “We cannot study this subject as a purely technical problem.”
“I agree with you,” answered Azhazha. “Ufology is a complex domain that demands knowledge of biotechnology, of space physics, and of psychology and sociology. We need a multidisciplinary approach. Historians and folklore experts should get involved. We need psychics and we need physicists. We even need philosophers.””
- UFO Chronicles in the Soviet Union p. 38-39